Saturday, February 28, 2009

String and M-Theory Basics

Written for everyone by using visual descriptions, illustrations, and analogies to everyday life, SlipString Drive tackles our entire universe from before its creation until after its end. With a modification of M-theory gravity, it explains dark matter, dark energy, and the reasons behind the laws of physics. SlipString Drive begins by taking you through the basics of string and M-theories so that you can embark on an effectively “faster than light” voyage without violating the laws of physics. By using gravity waves to partially and completely isolate volumes of spacetime from the rest of our universe, author Andrew L. Bender proposes a method of travel—similar to going through a wormhole—that could be possible within fifty years. This method specifically avoids all the problems of paradox and time travel associated with nearly all other attempts at such travel. Time passes normally within the isolated region, like a wormhole, preventing any possibility of paradox. He also describes how gravity waves could be manipulated in order to travel in such a manner with strict adherence to the laws of physics.

In SlipString Drive, Bender describes how ships using this method of propulsion would appear to those outside of the ship’s partially “gravitationally isolated” region of space while maneuvering at slow speeds. Bender also discusses novel uses for such a vessel, such as saving humanity from comets to supernovae.

Bender then offers a “Membrane Theory of Gravity.” A modification of M-theory, this new theory unifies all forces, predicts dark matter and energy, and explains the reasons behind the laws of physics such as E=MC2. It also theorizes how "dark matter" membrane vibrations (left over from the creation of our universe) will be converted into dark energy (which accelerates our universe's expansion) as those vibrations relax and dissipate over time. This prediction, along with others, could prove modified M-theory correct observationally—a feat cosmology has yet to achieve. Finally, Bender hypothesizes how our universe will end, and answers the question: Must life in our universe be extinguished when our universe ends?