Saturday, July 18, 2009

Whole-Self Attunement

Whole-Self Attunement (also known as Axiatonal Re-Alignment) focuses on reestablishing
connection with the larger Self, and to work with IT to achieve total
Whole-Self Attunement helps to re-establish connection first of all to the
Oversoul. It also reconnects the severed axiatonal lines, and rejuvenates the
axial circulatory system. Once the connection has been re-established, the
Oversoul transmits the appropriate energies through the axiatonal lines to
regenerate, and reharmonize the various bodies according to the Divine
Axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridians, and feed into major spin
points that lie near the surface of the skin. Spin points are small spherical
vortices of electromagnetic energy that emit Light and Sound frequencies which
cause the atoms of molecules in the cells to spin faster. This increased spin
creates Light fibres that then create a grid for cellular regeneration.
These spin points feed axiatonal energy into the axial circulatory system, and
the acupuncture meridians. Every cell in the body also has a spin point. The
axial circulatory system connects all the spin points in the body. The connection
into the acupuncture meridians is also necessary to ensure that all cellular grids
are in harmony.
Axiatonal energy continually recharges all bodies, and additionally assists to
clear negative emotional and mental patterns.
The reconnection to the Oversoul level acts as the gateway to hook up to even
higher levels of Self. As we embrace our Wholeness, Spirit manifests more if
ITs vastness through the body, which allows for greater Light, Love and
Wisdom to enter. This is called “Descension of Spirit”, and as this happens, we
begin to express in the fullness of who we are - as Source.
Whole-Self Attunement is very sacred work and must be approached from this
perspective when working with it. You must prepare accordingly, and ensure
that you are working from your highest level of awareness, and from a place of
total integrity.
The essential steps with this work are: first create the attunement space and
establish a Pillar of Light within it and anchor it into Source in Spirit and Source
in Nature to establish the energy flow. Then raise your vibration to the highest
level, and hold that level of vibration to assist the attunement.
Another important part of this work is the use of intentions to set the stage for
the attunement. Intentions are very powerful, and as you hold the intentions with
a clear focus it allows the flow of energy. It is said that 95% of the work is
accomplished with intentions alone.

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