Monday, November 16, 2009

Earthship Biotecture

Earthships can be built in any climate,
anywhere in the world.
Earthships will keep you comfortable in any climate in the world with little to no utility bills / fossil fuels.

The following can help youunderstand the Earthship concept and how to proceed with it...

Make sure you understand what makes an Earthship an Earthship.

An Earthship is defined by the following 6 principles:

* Thermal/Solar Heating & Cooling
* Solar & Wind Electricity
* Contained Sewage Treatment
* Building with Natural & Recycled Materials
* Water Harvesting
* Food Production

Comfort in Any Climate
The concept of thermal mass buildings works both to cool and to heat a home. Earthships keepyou comfortable in any climate, anywhere in the world.

Earthship Biotecture design principle: 'Thermal/Solar Heating & Cooling' details how earthships maintain comfortable temperatures in any climate.

Earthship Biotecture on CBS. 10/9/08