Monday, August 25, 2008


–by Michael Norwood

When my father was slowly progressing through the phases of a terminal
illness, as a final legacy he revealed to me a sequence of 9
“wealth-building” steps he nicknamed, “The 9 Insights of the Wealthy

On the surface, his lessons appeared to be about building material

On a much deeper level, these insights held the secret for overcoming
our greatest challenges and achieving the highest wealth of the soul.

My father, himself, had used these same insights as an army
pilot-trainee to turn several near-crashes into soaring flights. Later,
these insights were the means through which he would raise himself up
from the devastating death of his beloved daughter - my sister.

Four years after my father’s last great lesson to me, while actually
writing a book on the subject, I awakened one morning perceiving a
profoundly deeper significance of his 9 Insights.

I suddenly understood that they are the actual stages of

Whether you desire to transform a dream into reality, failure into
triumph, grief into grace, or a relationship breakdown into a bridge of
love and higher understanding, these universal principles are the means
you can naturally accomplish your goals.

Here is a summary of my father’s “9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul”:

Insight 1:
Just as a tree begins with a seed, so too, is Insight the “seed” that
begins your transformation. One of the greatest insights is simply the
knowledge that “You Can.” You CAN overcome your greatest challenges. You
CAN transform your dreams into your own living, breathing reality. You
CAN create a new life for yourself and your loved ones.

Insight 2:
The saying “timing is everything” is not just a nice expression. Without

developing excellent timing, you will always be fighting the natural ebb

and flow of the universe. Just as most seeds sprout on a particular day
in springtime, YOU can develop the ability to recognize the precise day
of spring for all you do.

Whether asking for a raise, launching a business venture, or bringing up
difficult subject to a friend, loved one or business partner, your
to recognize the often brief moments of maximum opportunity will
determine how much success and balance you achieve.

Insight 3
Only humans are impatient. Seeds do not attempt to turn into trees in
winter. Eagles don’t try to soar during rainstorms. And Mayflowers do
not blossom in August. Developing patience - your ability to wait for
the right moment in your life cycle to accomplish a particular task or
goal - is all important to develop excellent timing and great success.

Insight 4
What must you do to let go of your need to control things? How can you
let go of your past mistakes and history that may be preventing you from

moving forward? How do you spiritually surrender to “the process?”

Without spiritual surrender, you will never be content, you will never
have patience and excellent timing. You will never experience the joy
“flow” of having the greatest business and life partner you could ever
possibly have: namely, “The Universe” and “God.”

Insight 5
With strong roots, a tree will survive any storm. When YOU create a
strong foundation, your greatest efforts will withstand the many storms
and challenges you inevitably face in achieving your goals.

Grounding is what you use to nourish and nurture your goals. Grounding
the books, tapes, schooling, seminars, and people you surround yourself
with to support yourself in whatever you want to achieve.

Want to have a great relationship? Learn from those who already have
one. Want to earn a million dollars? Read books, listen to tapes, and
receive coaching by those who show you how. When you have ample
“grounding” to support your dreams, the challenges that come along are
merely temporary storms that ultimately make you stronger and more
highly energized.

Insight 6
This is a tough one, especially for the most successful people. Even
a tree is well developed, without regular water, sunshine and
nourishment, it will not be healthy. What must you do to balance

How much sunshine do you get?
How much exercise do you regularly do?
How nourishing is your diet?
How much quiet time do you take on a daily basis with yourself and your
loved ones?

Life is a balancing act. Isn’t the minute, hour, day or month you save
working through your natural point of balance just another minute, hour,

day or month you subtract from your lifetime?

Take breaks to smell the roses along the way, and in fact, you’ll
naturally discover the universe rises up to become your partner rather
than it being you against the world.

Insights 7, 8 & 9
GROWTH automatically occurs in direct proportion to your ability to
empower yourself with the first 6 Insights.
EVOLUTION blossoms when your growth takes you to a new and higher
stage of life, unfolding a powerful Vision of your life you probably
never foresaw.
TRANSFORMATION occurs when you become something very different
than that which you started off as.
Your initial seeds of Insight becomes a tree of knowledge and
accomplishment. You are ready for something greater than achieving for
your own personal gain.

You, the student, become the teacher, the mentor, the leader. You are
the vessel of seeds to birth a new generation. You enjoy the glow of
knowing you have followed your highest path that ultimately leads you to
helping others follow theirs.

All along, you have been transforming into a balanced, wealthy and
fulfilled human being.

All along, you have been transforming yourself into a “Wealthy Soul.”

About the Author.
This article was written by Michael Norwood and is based on the book