Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Align With Your Higher Self and Purpose‏

by Leslee J Klinsky

Many people today are running blindly, haphazardly seeking their elusive higher Self and purpose with frustration levels that border on insanity. They are disconnected from life, people, or their callings, but do not know what to do about it. Feeling lost and under the gun, they change directions repeatedly without thought or pondering possible repercussions. With this in mind, the intent of this article is to provide a method to help one align with the higher Self and to recognize this connection when achieved. Once aligned, purpose becomes clear and life becomes easier..

Alignment with the higher Self feels different for each individual, but the result is the same; you feel great. You know you are fully aligned when your heart feels open and your body feels as wonderful as it can. You may not feel your body at all or like a gently floating balloon. There may be a sense of well-being and connectedness in your body plus a spark of creation. Or you may feel sudden passion or happiness with a gentle tingle up your spine. No feeling is wrong..

To learn to align, you first identify the comfort or discomfort level in the most sensitive part(s) of your body. Bodily discomfort means that your higher Self is trying to tell you something and you are out of alignment with purpose. Many people feel discomfort in the stomach or other parts of the digestive tract. Others feel a heaviness, constriction, or pain at their heart when out of alignment. Some experience tenseness in their shoulders or back, and still others get headaches. Your greatest bodily challenges are actually your greatest spiritual teachers and keys to alignment..

Once you sense discomfort in your body, you align through some form of relaxed meditation. During times of discomfort, lay back, relax, and surrender to knowing your truth. Then, bravely ask your higher Self what it is trying to tell you through your body, and give yourself a chance to learn the answer. You may see, feel, hear, taste, or even smell the answer, depending on your sensing proclivities. Your intuition may come forth boldly and you will suddenly just know. The answer may come right away or it may come later when you least expect it. Or it may come in a dream. Know that all questions are answered when you are ready, and no question asked with honesty and integrity is ignored. When you learn and act upon the answer, the discomfort diminishes and you are aligned..

Another exercise for aligning with your higher Self through your body is to practice asking YES and NO questions while doing the above meditation. Each time you ask yourself a question, your body will react in one of two ways: it will react kindly (feel good) in accordance with alignment (YES), or it will warn you that something is not right by feeling worse (NO, or more questioning is needed)..

Begin by asking questions that you know the answers to, like:

* Is my name Leslee?
* Is my name Joe Smith? or
* Do I love my partner?
* Etc...

Get to know your bodily YES and NO feelings before moving on to the next step... When you are comfortable, ask harder questions, like:

* Is it in my best interest to work for this company?
* Is my heart feeling closed because I am afraid of intimacy with my husband/work associates/other?
* Is it in my best interest to pursue this relationship or course of action?
* Should I be doing something other than what I am doing with my life?

Your higher Self will appreciate that you are seeking to align with it, and you will notice an improvement in the way your body feels. Many who are persistent and patient enough can do question and answer sessions like this until they facilitate an explosive emotional and energetic release..

Some people wonder whether there is danger in trusting the higher Self in all things, for they do not recognize what guides them and they do not trust themselves. Know that most have been taught that they are not trustworthy. Regardless of conditioning, however, your higher Self knows what needs accomplishing in your earthly realm, and it will not guide to that which is not possible within the confines of your current existence. If it feels right in your body, it is right for you, period, regardless of what anybody else thinks. Get to know your higher Self and purpose through your body... This will be the best investment you ever make!